Saturday, October 24, 2009

ages 1 thru 5

Zach is 1, Emily is 2, Denali is 3, Normandie is 4, and Alex is 5.
THese are the adorable kids of our friends that came to visit us at the end of September. It was a blast to have them here. Thanks for coming ya'all.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My new beautiful craft room

My wonderfulllll husband has put his creative mind (and body) at work, and turned this theatre room into a craftroom. The theatre room was sorta useless, since we had a large rec room just outside of this room that already acts as a theatre, so this room was empty and unused for a long long time. Until one day I mentioned to my husband that I would like to create a craft room in the cold storage/ heater room area. We have a huge utility room, that is in the shape of an "L" that had nice lighting in it, and even more storage than we knew what to do with. I was determined to use up this area, and I was moving down desks, old rug, and old dressers, and that's when he caught me and told me that he would like to make a craft room out of the theatre room. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I figured that it was going to take months before I see results, but not my husband, he had the cabinets put in the very next day. Then the next day we were picking out granite top, and 2 days later, the granite took place. I am a lucky, lucky, lucky gal, to have such a loving husband who would do anything to make me happy. I love you babie...

Friday, June 5, 2009

Magical... simply magical

It was our 5 year anniversary... Ryan booked a phat suite at the Ritz Carlton and he had arranged it so that there were rose petals and romantic music playing when we checked in. We enjoyed being alone for a change (we love our kids, but we don't get much alone time), so we watched 3 movies back to back, staying up until 3 a.m. The next day we decided to lengthen our stay and include our girls in this time. So we picked them up and checked back into another suite and we had so much fun together!
How lame were we though, although we really enjoyed being alone away from our girls, we still missed them, and we couldn't stop talking about them. We sorta couldn't wait to check out after the first night to pick them up to bring them back to the hotel. I guess that's what being parents is all about... I missed my kids so much... I missed how my baby Emily smells... and everything!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Date night

We are so lucky to score Rockies baseball suite tickets thru Ryan's work. It was so much fun, lots of great food and GREAT seats!

Denali's preschool graduation icecream social

Emily is reaping the "icecream" benefits of her big sister graduating

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Emily's first poo poo in potty

>We are so proud. She is almost 19 months and we have decided to try to start potty training her. I remember this with Denali, and how fun, yet, how frustrating it was at times. I am going to savor these moments though, now that I realize how quickly the years go by.

check out Emily's latest fashion

Friday, February 27, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

blast from the past

Found these pictures when we sync'ed Ryan's old phone!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ms. Clue-less

Emily and her typical clueless face. Grandpa Brent's little nick name for her.. "Ms. Clueless", I think this picture clearly depicts it.

Monday, January 5, 2009