Saturday, October 11, 2008

quick overview of our last 11 months

I can't believe that we've been here for 11 months! So much has happend while we were here. Let's see...

Denali celebrated her 2nd birthday a month after we moved here. Not too many friends yet, but we still wanted to make it fun for her so we bought her a Dora balloon (BOY, she LOVES DORA, and still does..) and a huge number 2 shaped balloon, which she kept calling it a "Snake". How cute, I guess that's how the 2 year old mind works.. Then we took her to the Denver Aquarium, where she got to paint her birthday rice crispy treat before eating it.

Speaking of her birthday... her 3rd one is coming up in November! I can't believe it, my baby girl is going to be 3!!!!

Then soon after her birthday, Emily celebrated her little "100 day" celebration of her own. In Korean culture, this celebration is a significant halmark of her life. Now, Emily is 14 months old! These two girls are turning out to be really cute friends.

They play together and they giggle out loud!

Ryan is such a great daddy.... He spends most of his free time as our family time, taking us all over the town. Together we take the girls to parks, malls, and various family centers. Our girls are the luckiest daughters of all, to have a daddy like Ryan.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, what an exciting, dynamic, loving family you guys created here! Nice job with the pictures and commentaries! Go the Worky's!