Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

What a fun day it was! Girls dressed up early morning, and Denali was ready to be the "snow white" princess all day long. Her nails were painted, and her hair was curly. Emily was all decked out with a home made cheerleading pom-poms and a headband. We took the girls out trick or treating around our neighborhood, and met some really nice neighbors. This year, I AGAIN, attempted to make the "dinner in a pumpkin" that Ryan ate during his childhood. I thought that I got the right recipe and made it, but it didn't turn out as what he had pictured, but being a good husband that he is, he complimented me on it, and he and the girls enjoyed it anyways. DOES anyone have a good "dinner in a pumpkin" chili-like, soup-like, recipe that you can share?

By the end of the night, Denali was sad to end her day as "princess". She cried when she had to take the costume off. We ended up getting her in her regular pj's but we assured her that she could be princess again next year. We also let her sleep with her costumes laying, NEXT to her until she fell asleep. Needless to say, she really loved being a princess. Emily seemed like she enjoyed the curly pom-poms too.

All cheered out....


The Demille's said...

The girls look darling in their costumes! No wonder Denali didn't want to get out of her costume, she looked so cute as Snow White!

gpagmalove2u said...

Cute! and we will see you soon.